Thursday, January 1, 2009

Barking in the new year- By Jack Wilson

Happy new year 2009

This year Frank and Jen had a party. It was one of their best parties. I was up the whole time. I just wagged my fuzzy tail the entire night weaving through the feet of all the people enjoying the awesome food, beverages, music and most of all the company. I think we had guest that ranged from 11 months old to 88 years young! I guess the worst thing that happened the entire night was when one of the little girls called me a kitty! This was a big blow to my rough and manly-dogie ego. Other than that everyone had a great time and all made it home safely.

This was a momentous year for sure. Here are ten reasons why this year topped the charts:
  1. This was the first year Grand Rapids Michigan dropped their one new years ball
  2. Mike and the boys constructed a beverage bar that lit up with lights...It made the swanky NY lounges look like a cheap knock off.
  3. We had a guest all the way from Peru! She got the award for the greatest distance traveled and the best hip action on the dance floor.
  4. Many of our friends got to meet Franks long time Friend, Danial from North Carolina. Everyone who met them loved them.
  5. Kevin surprised us with a swing in on his way to Chicago via Indiana. I bit of the long way, but we are glad he made it.
  6. I was the center of attention in a great family photo of me, Jen and Frank. I will post this soon.
  7. The food was awesome. Everything from Prime rib, to Tanya home made baked beans. venison chili to chocolate sprinkle bars
  8. Eddie gave all his game winnings to an orphanage in Africa. What a big heart!
  9. Six neighbors spontaneously joined us for ringing in the new year.
  10. There was lots of kissing and hugging going on among friends at midnight (even for us dogs!)

Jack says...Get those seeds planted!

Last year I had a great time going to the farm with Frank. I loved to run around and chill out in the breeze. The garden rocked! It is that time of year to get the seeds planted. Last year we had such a unique mix of veggies and even peppers from Peru. Here are some highlights.

Frank Chopping for an awesome salsa- John inspecting his work ; )

Frank, Kristie and John take a break while the sauce is simmering!
Thanks to all those who helped with the watering and weeding.
Especially Mike, TJ, Chelse and Eddie!

It is amazing that from one little seed you can start a plant. That grows a tomato. That turns into a harvest of beautiful colored tomatoes (red, orange, yellow and black). And with a little Frankie magic turns into cans of beautiful and delicious sauces, salsas and mixtures! I wish dogs liked veggies, oh well I at least love the car ride to the garden.

Yours truly,