I am not Jen, but I am Jack (her little fuzzy dog). I had a little help from one of Jen's friends starting this blog. We are convinced that the world needs to hear the view on life Wilson style. Because of this, we started a blog from Jack's view and we are hoping that Jen & Frank will speak out too. Of course this is for the benefit of those of us who will be amused by thier interesting impression of the world as we know it and exspecially how Jen sifts through the events of the day with her own personal belief of what it all means. Hopefully she will somewhat participate!
Let me tell you about Jen...she is an amazing person and the best type of friend a person can have. Jen is both Frank and my (Jack) greatest love. And basically everyone who meets her loves her. Just a great person!

Jen with Mom
She lives in West Michigan and enjoys all the wonderful things about our area and many other places around this planet. She is the highlight of every event and makes where ever she is fun.

The "New" Jen loves to cuttle with new babies and little dogs
Jen loves people of all ages and backgrounds. Not to mention the fluffy pooches of this world. She is a person with a kind heart who is always thinking of others. Hopefully soon everyone will get a glimpse of this wonderful person!